
Contraception in early adolescence

According to WHO research among the 1.9 billion Women of Reproductive Age group (15-49 years) worldwide in 2019, 1.1 billion have a need for family planning of these, 842 million are using contraceptive methods, and 270 million have an unmet need for contraception [1,2] The proportion of the need for family planning satisfied by modern methods, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator 3.7.1, has stagnated globally at around 77% from 2015 to 2020 but increased from 55% to 58% in the Africa region [3] Only one contraceptive method, condoms, can prevent both a pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.Use of contraception advances the human right of people to determine the number and spacing of their children. Young people are having sex. Advice about sexual health and contraception should be considered for all adolescents, including those aged as young as 12 or 13 years. Condoms plus one other method of contraception is recommended in this age ...

Strategies to employ in advocating for SRHR

Sexual and reproductive health and rights(SRHR) is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well being in relation to sexuality.Sexual reproductive health and rights include  the right to reproductive health, right to make informed decision concerning how many children you have among other rights. Advocacy include the collection of strategies that can be used to achieve specific outcomes related to social,economic, political, cultural and legal change.Advocacy strategies that can be used to advance SRHR include; Empowering individuals to know their rights;This is done through employing public engagement strategic communication and awareness to educate the individuals about their sexual rights and entitlements. Activism; This is a participatory form of expression that gives a voice and visibility to groups that may not have the formal means to have their voices heard. Its the ability to communicate complex and political issues related to SRHR. Capacity building; This is the...

Comprehensive Sexual Education

 According to the United Nations Population Fund(UNPF) comprehensive sexual education enables young people to protect and advocate for their wellbeing,health and dignity by providing them with the necessary toolkit of knowledge, attitude and skills. It is a precondition for exercising fully bodily autonomy which requires not only the right to make informed decision about ones body but also the information to make the choices meaningfully in a way. Research carried out has shown that majority of adolescents lack knowledge required to make those decisions regarding their sexuality responsibly leaving them very vulnerable to unintended pregnancy,sexual transmitted infection and coercion. Therefore it is our collective responsibility to; Work  together to implement comprehensive sexual education both in schools and outside schools through community based training, outreaches and awareness. Promote the policies for and invest in sexual education programmes by ensuring that we meet ...

Empowering adolescence to take charge of their sexual reproductive health and rights

 According to the previous studies aimed at improving the understanding of the factors affecting the empowerment of adolescence in terms of taking care of their sexual and reproductive health and rights such as puberty and mental health, preventing high risk of sexual behaviours, treatment seeking for sexual and reproductive health complaints such as genital infectious. According to WHO, empowerment is the core of health promotion that enables people to gain more control over the decisions of the actions affecting their health.As empowerment is one of the most important concept of health promotion and health related quality of life. Adolescence should be empowered to acquire the ability to take care of their sexual reproductive health and rights.The main theme of empowerment for care with reinforcement foundation of sexual reproductive health and rights,provision of services in health system,reinforcing education initiations and consolidating the interaction and collaboration among...

Impact of covid-19 on adolescence and young women

 The covid-19 pandemic and its consequences acutely harm adolescent girls and young women(AGYW), who are vulnerable population in all health matters and are particularly impacted by covid-19. The pandemic is exacerbating existing issues that AGYW face is receiving adequate health care and causing them to be disadvantaged economically, socially and physically. Throughout covid-19 pandemic .many young women and girls have remained at home ,away from work and school and without resources to lead a healthy and independent lives. A vest number of AGYW face an increased burden of domestic care ,a heightened risk of child marriage ,female genital mutilation and extensive job loss Access to health; Covid-19 pandemic prevented young women from accessing health services like family planning,maternal care ,youth friendly services among other health services. Economic security;these economic security challenges such as reinforcing women's domestic roles which  depresses their economic par...

Addressing the Family planning need of adolescents girls

 In Kenya teenage girls have the highest unmet needs of family planning among all women of reproductive age. Adolescent girls are four times more likely to contract  HIV than their male counter parts as nearly half of the teenage pregnancies are unintended. Family planning is a key intervention for improving the health and wellbeing of adolescents as it will prevent them from unwanted pregnancies. As family planning plays a big role in sexual reproductive health and rights thou the unmet needs are still high as their is a challenge in accessing family planning services such as;unavailability of family planning commodities in the health facilities demonstrated by frequent stock out,structural barriers prohibiting village community health workers from carrying emergency contraceptives, unavailability of long term acting methods in lower level facilities. Cultural norms and practices that place decision making authority regarding number of children to have,Lacking accurate inform...


 Based on the research done by Human Right Agenda(HURIA) and Center For Human Rights and Policy Studies (CHRIP) in Mombasa County on 22nd October 2020.The research focussed on the issues of gender differentiation in programming in preventive and countering radicalization and violent extremism(PCVE). Reports have previously described Mombasa among the epicenter of radicalization and violent extremism in the country as preventive efforts are put in place by involving the vulnerable groups such as youths. Preventive efforts such as incorporating youths to policy formulation processes, involving them in decision making processes and build drivers and motivators unique to youths which are still unaddressed. Initiatives countering around sports, arts and culture have become prevalent especially in targeting young people such as promoting youth engagement through creative arts,Vision arts,performance arts and participating educative theaters as an aim of countering and preventing radicali...